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Recommendations, best practices, and resources for remote training and support

Remote Learning Checklist for Workshop Instructors & Helpers

For full details and instructions, please see the more complete Remote Learning Guidelines for Instructors.

Presenter Materials & Preparation

  1. Review the recommended Remote Teaching and Learning articles.
  2. Review what you’ll be teaching and with what materials
  3. Have electronic copies of all handouts, and esp. the URLs to share in chat.
  4. Coordinate with helpers to schedule Zoom session (primary helper is host) and include the info in the Outlook calendar entry.
  5. Verify the recommended Zoom settings.

Attendee Technology Setup (>= 3 Days Prior to Class)

  1. Verify in Saba or with Coordinator that all attendees have a registered email address.
  2. Send out class reminder with appropriate details, using the email templates if needed.

Presenter & Helper Technology Setup

  1. Instructor decides with the helpers on how to field questions.
  2. Ensure your Zoom settings will save the chat.

Day Prior to Class

  1. Schedule installation support Zoom sessions, if needed.
  2. Send out reminder notice again.
  3. Manually assign Zoom Breakout Rooms if preferred work partners are communicated or if sensible to do so at that time.
  4. Prepare any Zoom polls if helpful.

Day of Class - Getting Started

  1. Be prepared to have fun, despite the gymnastics ahead!
  2. Verify your surroundings, lighting, camera, and microphone. Fill up your water bottle, and grab a snack or two.
  3. Verify your two-monitor layout. If using one large monitor, lower the resolution.
  4. Start the session early for people to get comfortable.
  5. Start the session:
    1. Mute all attendees on entry.
    2. Make instructor and other helper(s) co-hosts.
  6. Use the Seminar/Workshop talking points to start the class
    1. Encourage people to use their video and ensure they are named properly
    2. Briefly communicate the other Zoom session norms
    3. Feel free to point out Zoom features, if helpful.
  7. Look at and teach to the camera. Smile!
  8. Laugh off problems.
  9. Break frequently and for exercises. Always.

Day of Class - Questions & Exercises

  1. Notify instructor on raised hands or if questions
  2. Call on attendee by name, and ask to unmute or use chat for the question
  3. Encourage full participation by asking various question types and modes of response.
  4. Don’t hesitate to call on individuals to explain more.
  5. Remind people on Breakout Rooms, and verify the room settings

Day of Class - Support

  1. If a person needs help, call on the person to explain the problem.
  2. Make use of teachable moments for resolving problems. But limit the time.
  3. Employ others in the class to help problem solve.
  4. Use private chats to help troubleshoot problems.
  5. Use breakout rooms for more focused support, and bring the attendee up to speed when back.

Day of Class – Wrapping Up

  1. Stop the class 10 minutes to 5 minutes before end time.
  2. Review the overall goals learned during the class.
  3. Review any ‘parked’ (outstanding) questions.
  4. Have attendees fill out end-of-class survey.
  5. Remind students to review exercises and class materials
  6. Mention follow-on materials, follow-up email, and RDM resources, and contacting RCS.
  7. Linger in order to provide extra chat and question time for students
  8. Smile, and pat each other on the back for the long, hard effort.